Soul Finance is a company specialized in financial and accounting management for startups and other companies aiming to improve their financial processes, increase transparency, and enhance operational efficiency.

We understand the importance of companies staying focused on their operations, growth, and development. However, it is crucial for them to maintain financial and accounting health, thereby increasing their responsibility towards corporate governance, stakeholders, and ultimately enhancing their valuation.


CFO as a service

Reliable financial management, financial control, financial indicators (KPIs), strategic vision, and enhancement of the financial system, driving company growth.

Accounting Management

Accounting management, crucial for the financial organization of companies, encompasses financial statement analysis, cost control, regulatory compliance, and decision-making based on reliable information.

Accounting, financial, and tax consulting

Structuring cash flow and implementing other financial controls, aiming to optimize the company’s financial management, ensuring tax compliance, and improving strategic decision-making.

Mergers and acquisitions advisory

Oferecemos Due Diligence contábil, financeira, tributária, trabalhista e previdenciária (buy side e sell side). Assessoria na auditoria das demonstrações financeiras e na estruturação estratégica.


1. Management

Efficient financial and accounting management, generating greater credibility among stakeholders and investors.

2. Growth

Identification of opportunities and accurate information for the sustainable growth of the business

3. Strategy

Intelligence in structuring managerial information, enabling strategic decision-making for the business

Would you like to know more about how we can optimize the financial and accounting management of your company?

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