Testes de Impairment: Metodologias e Aplicação Prática

Impairment Tests: Methodologies and Practical Application

Importance of Impairment Tests in Accounting Impairment tests are an essential tool in modern accounting, ensuring that a company’s assets are reflected at their fair and recoverable values. These tests are necessary to ensure that assets are not overvalued on balance sheets, thus avoiding distortions in financial statements that could adversely affect stakeholder decision-making. The…

Tratamento Contábil de Criptoativos: Perspectivas e Desafios

Cryptocurrency Accounting Treatment: Perspectives and Challenges

Analysis of Current Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrencies The growing interest in cryptocurrencies has led companies to seek appropriate accounting methods. According to the IFRS Interpretations Committee, there is no specific accounting standard for cryptocurrencies. However, the available guidance allows these assets to be categorized as either inventories or intangible assets, depending on their use. Inventories…