Gestão dos Meios de Pagamento

Payment Management: 10 Steps to Simplify Your Daily Routine

Managing payment methods efficiently is essential for any business. Proper management will provide your company with a range of benefits, from improving operational efficiency to positively impacting your customer’s experience and satisfaction. Therefore, we are sharing 10 steps that will assist you in payment method management, enabling you to achieve the previously mentioned benefits: Selection…

Pronampe 2023

Pronampe 2023: Credit can reach up to R$1.4 million

The Pronampe – National Program to Support Microenterprises and Small Businesses was created by the federal government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since May 2020, micro and small businesses have had valuable assistance to settle debts and make improvements to their businesses. The program’s success was so significant that it has continued even after…

Ativos Intangíveis Gerados Internamente

Internally Generated Intangible Assets – IFRS and CPC

Intangible assets are valuable resources for companies, although they are not always visible or tangible like machinery or equipment. Instead, they encompass non-physical elements such as trademarks, patents, software, know-how, and more. When these assets are developed internally by companies, they fall under the category of “internally generated intangible assets.” In this article, we will…

Reduzindo o Custo de Aquisição de Clientes

Efficiently Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a critical metric for any company aiming to maximize profitability and growth. Reducing CAC efficiently is an important goal to optimize return on marketing investment. In this blog post, we will explore proven strategies that can help you decrease CAC and achieve positive outcomes. Let’s dive into practical tips! Precise…