Ativos Intangíveis Gerados Internamente

Internally Generated Intangible Assets – IFRS and CPC

Intangible assets are valuable resources for companies, although they are not always visible or tangible like machinery or equipment. Instead, they encompass non-physical elements such as trademarks, patents, software, know-how, and more. When these assets are developed internally by companies, they fall under the category of “internally generated intangible assets.” In this article, we will…

Reduzindo o Custo de Aquisição de Clientes

Efficiently Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a critical metric for any company aiming to maximize profitability and growth. Reducing CAC efficiently is an important goal to optimize return on marketing investment. In this blog post, we will explore proven strategies that can help you decrease CAC and achieve positive outcomes. Let’s dive into practical tips! Precise…

10 Estratégias para Melhorar Suas Finanças Pessoais

10 Strategies to Improve Your Personal Finances

Financial health is fundamental to achieving stability and tranquility in our lives. Investing time and effort in proper financial planning can make all the difference in your future. In this article, we will share 10 strategies to help you improve your personal finances and move towards financial independence. Let’s get started! Set a Detailed Budget:…

Política de cobrança efetiva

Effective collection policy

An effective collection policy is a set of guidelines and strategies that a company or organization implements to ensure timely and complete receipt of outstanding payments from customers. An effective collection policy is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash flow and minimizing delinquencies. Here are some common practices that can be adopted as part of…